tim·bre /ˈtambər/ n.
the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity.
Timbre Talks will provide a forum for self-advocates, caregivers, and providers to inspire true and measured change in our community.
About This Event
Timbre Talks is the component of Common Senses Festival that embodies the true spirit of “nothing about us, without us.” Common Senses Festival will serve as a catalyst in our community to move the needle toward inclusion of those with ASD. Who better to guide the direction of that needle than those that live with autism every day?
How to Get Involved
More Details
Check in 8:30am
Event runs 9a-3p
Location: Ahmanson Ballroom in the Harper Center at Creighton University
602 N 20th St, Omaha, NE 68178
*Attendees will get special access to view the award-winning film, "In A Different Key" by Caren Zucker and John Donvan.
What is Timbre Talks?
Timbre Talks will provide a forum for self-advocates, caregivers, and providers to inspire true and measured change in our community. Through a facilitated discussion, attendees will discuss external obstacles regularly faced by those with autism and sensory issues, which negatively impact their ability to live fulfilled lives. Attendees will be given the opportunity to create and present ways to minimize and/or eliminate these barriers.
Who should attend Timbre Talks?
• Self advocates with ASD
• Parents
• caregivers, family members, or friends of someone with ASD
• service providers
• educators
• college students who will work with the autism community
• other professionals with a passion for serving the autism community
What to expect
During Timbre Talks, Parlay Consulting Firm will lead three rounds of facilitated discussion. Attendees will have the opportunity to choose topics of interest to them.
What do we aim to achieve during Timbre Talks?
The work conducted through Timbre Talks will be compiled into a summary report, complete with solutions suggested by those with direct experience, which will be shared far and wide. The long-term goal is that the results are used to influence those who have the authority to address the barriers. This could include critical insights for decision makers in public transportation, parks and recreation, hospitality and retail sectors, workforce, healthcare, government etc.
How to Prepare
As part of Timbre Talks participants will be given a link the day before (April 22nd) to watch a virtual screening of the film "In A Different Key". During lunchtime* at Timbre Talks, participants will get to engage and ask questions during a panel discussion with the filmmakers John Donvan, Caren Zucker and Omaha native Stephanie Keeney Parks, a mom interviewed in the film.
If you have any questions regarding Timbre Talks or need specific accommodations, please contact info@AutismAction.org.