Common Senses Festival 2022
Thank you for making Common Senses Festival a massive success!
Common Senses Festival positively impacted inclusion efforts for the Omaha autism community.
This includes:
Over 5,000 attended festival events
122 families experienced “Up and Away” performance
29 organizations represented at the “Don’t Just Dim the Lights”: An Arts & Inclusion Symposium
138 voices heard during Timbre Talks: Lifting the Unique Voices of the Autism Community
Explore what happened at Common Senses 2022
that engage all the senses through visual art and technology
for and from neurodiverse communities
on emerging research and inclusive practices
What People Are Saying
“What an incredible event. Our son on the spectrum has been to the installations and has been engrossed in all of them.”
— Festival Attendee
regarding the interactive installations hosted at KANEKO
“Today proved that balloon flights are for everyone- the ages of our balloonists ranged from 2 to 57!”
— Matthew Gutschick, Artistic Director at The Rose
regarding the ”Up and Away” Performances